While the coronavirus continues to be present in our community, out focus at Stow Family Dentist is to provide our patients the necessary care in a safe and protected environment. As we transition from offering urgent care only to more comprehensive services beginning June 1st, we would like to communicate the procedures that we have adopted to keep our patients and team healthy.
Upgrades in Infection Control
We have teamed up with the RGF Environmental Group, a company that services the healthcare industry, and an upgraded RGF PHI ionizing cell has been installed in our HVAC system. The cell works through continuous air circulation and filtration, and it picks up and eliminates microbes circulating in the air.
Each operatory has a new unit from IQ Air, a Swiss manufacturer with a technology solution to remove aerosols and minute particles down to a virus size. They achieve that via their hyper HEPA filters. We have oversized the machines to speed up the air and aerosol exchange to the point of having the capacity of full air exchange every three minutes.
We are also implementing protocols of sanitizing all surfaces with ultra low volumes of HOCI, hypochlorous acid, which is a powerful antiviral/antibacterial agent and is environmentally safe.
Please be safe and stay healthy.
We look forward to seeing you soon,
Dr. Klepacz and the team of Stow Family Dental